大學管治檢討委員會 徵集師生對大學管治之意見


大學管治檢討委員會(Review Panel on University Goverance) 主席Professor Sir Malcolm Grant 剛於今日(五月三日)下午向全校師生發電郵,向全校師生徵集有關大學管治的意見。電郵全文如下:

Dear staff, students and alumni of HKU,

As you may already know, Professor William Kirby, Mr. Peter Nguyen and myself have been invited by the Council of the University to be members of a panel to review the University governance. I will chair the Review Panel.

The Terms of Reference of the Review Panel are as follows:

“To conduct an overall review of the governance structure of the University, and specifically

a. to review the effectiveness of the current governance structure of the University, following the implementation of the recommendations in the Niland Reports (2003 and 2009) (Note 1);

b. for the purpose of the review, to

i. receive information, advice and suggestions from relevant committees and members of the University (including staff, students and alumni) and other stakeholders of the University;

ii. take into consideration findings and recommendations of relevant reviews of university governance in recent years (including the review conducted by Professor Sir Howard Newby commissioned by the UGC (Note 2)) and the review by the University’s Working Group on Confidentiality, as well as best practices of publicly funded universities around the world;

iii. review the provisions in the University Ordinance and Statutes relating to the University’s governance, management and operations, and their appropriateness; and

iv. conduct reviews in any other areas which relate or affect the effectiveness of the University’s governance; and

c. to make recommendations which would enhance the effectiveness of the governance of the University as appropriate.”

Professor Kirby, Mr. Nguyen and myself are very pleased that we are given this opportunity to assist the University in reviewing its governance. We believe that a university that is committed to academic excellence requires this ambition to be reflected also in the quality of its governance. We will approach the task before us objectively and with open minds. We are working on the schedule of the meetings and fora during our visits to the campus in June; and are looking forward to hearing views from the University family and stakeholders in our forthcoming meetings on campus.

In the meantime, we would like to invite members of the University to assist us, if they so wish, by letting us have their comments and suggestions on issues relating to the governance of the University in writing, bearing in mind our terms of reference. Please send your comments by email to the following address:

[email protected]

or by letter to:

Review Panel on University Governance
10th floor, Knowles Building
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong

Unless you stipulate otherwise, all emails and letters will be kept strictly confidential, and be seen by members and the Secretary of the Panel only.

Members of the Panel are looking forward to hearing your views and suggestions on the governance of the University.

Professor Sir Malcolm Grant
Review Panel on University Governance


1. The Niland Reports are available at :

http://www.hku.hk/about/governance/purpose_report.html (2003 Report)
http://www.gs.hku.hk/5yearReview.pdf (2009 Report)

2. The Newby’s Report is available at :
