校務委員會研究生代表選舉 四人爭一席


(updated 1140 - 應為校務委員會而非教務委員會,謹此致歉)

教務長今日發出正式通告,公布校務委員會研究生代表選舉詳情。選舉將於十月十七日上午十點到二十一日下午五點透過Portal 舉行。該席研究生代表有四名候選人角逐,分別來自法律、社會科學及工程學院。當中工程學院的朱科是次競逐連任,他於上年度的補選中接替因不滿陳敏文事件而辭任校委的研究生代表Aloysius Wilfred Raj Arokiaraj 。另一名候選人為「機場發展關注網絡」發言人巫堃泰,他在參選宣言上「指要守護『獨立自主』的話,實在沒有退縮的餘地」。



Nominee: Mr. LAW Sau Wai (LLM(Arb&DR) in the Faculty of Law)
Proposer: Mr. Madhav Eramath Murali KUMAR (LLM(Arb&DR) in the Faculty of Law)
Seconder: Miss Marian CLOMA (LLM(Arb&DR) in the Faculty of Law)

Nominee: Ms. LEE Hang Seng (MAChDS in the Faculty of Social Sciences)
Proposer: Mr. LEE Ka Shing (PhD in the Faculty of Social Sciences)
Seconder: Mr. LI Teng (PhD in the Faculty of Social Sciences)

Nominee: Mr. MO Kwan Tai Michael (LLM(HR) in the Faculty of Law)
Proposer: Mr. CHOW Hok Him (JD in the Faculty of Law)
Seconder: Ms. CHANG Yin Tsz (LLM(HR) in the Faculty of Law)

Nominee: Mr. ZHU Ke (PhD in the Faculty of Engineering)
Proposer: Mr. ADUKPO Emmanuel Selorm (PhD in the Faculty of Architecture)
Seconder: Mr. CHOI Sai Kwun (MSc(LIM) in the Faculty of Education)